OK, I am not out of here.
In my opinion Slim is one of the few posters who can openly say his not happy with Coftys logic, and defend himself, with " reasonable" arguments. However in my opinion Slim and Cofty will never take each other's points of view on board. However I think Cofty cuts a very hard level of logic to refute, and sometimes Slims, simply audacious comments if honest and sincere, do challenge and create what could be an interesting debate.
Anyway we all want the same thing from a thread, and that's not tiresome repetitive name calling, but informative questions, rightly asked/ answered to create a great thread and challenge our thinking. So I don't think a thread should ever become fickle with questions and opposing viewpoints. People who change their viewpoint too quickly and without thought are those that convert and become Jehovers Witnesses.